A to Z Challenge April 2016

During April 2016, I participated for the first time in the worldwide A to Z Challenge for bloggers. The general gist of it was that participants would produce an article every day of the month (except for Sundays) and that the prompt for each day would be the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

I decided to take this challenge and thought it would be a great idea to involve my new friends on WordPress. I asked around for prompts and declared that i would write a story each day with the best prompt for each letter. I gave myself a further challenge of keeping each story below 1000 words. I managed to complete this challenge with some hefty encouragement from several people, and I had a brilliant time doing it.

Here are the stories I wrote for each letter that month. There are stories from all sorts of genres, from supernatural to romantic, to sci-fi and even fantasy! I’m quite proud of these quirky, barely-edited creations, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Please do let me know what you think of them in the comments sections, if you’d be so kind. Thanks again!


A – Abandoned

B – Bombastic

C – Concubine

D – Dragoon

E – Effervescent 

F – Fragile

G – Gargoyle

H – Hessian

I – Inkling

J – Jackass

K – Karma

L – Ledgerdemain

M – Malevolent

N – North

O – Overcompensate

P – Polygamy

Q – Quisling

R – Rancid

S – Sausages

T – Torrid

U – Unreal

V – Vacuous 

W – Wasted

X – Xenophobia

Y – Yurt

Z – Zany

I Survived the A – Z Challenge!